Boojum: Nonsense, Truth, & Louis Carrol

By: Peter and Martin Wesley-Smith
Directed By: jimmy mcdermott
Produced By: Caffeine Theatre and Chicago Opera Vanguard
Ran: November 16 - December 19; 2010

Production Pictures:

©2010 John W. Sisson, Jr.

©2010 Chase Corman

©2010 John W. Sisson, Jr.

©2010 Chase Corman

©2010 Chase Corman

©2010 John W. Sisson, Jr.

©2010 Chase Corman

©2010 John W. Sisson, Jr.

©2010 Chase Corman

Images courtesy of Chase Corman and John W. Sisson, Jr. The photographers retain all rights to their respective photographs.